Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Over Population

. Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Over Population

We are going through the biggest population boom the world has ever known. It will probably peak at around 9–10 billion in about 2070. Meanwhile, population growth is likely to slow down in the 2020s. In fact, the rate of growth has already started falling in many parts of the world.

Economic and educational factors are the main reasons for the slow-down. If parents have fewer children, they can give them a better education, which is a quick route to a better life. Many modern mothers are also considering themselves when they have smaller families. They often want to spend more time on their careers and less time with their children. Modern birth control gives today’s parents choices. Generally, they choose (or are choosing) to have smaller families.

Although population growth will slow and then stop, we still have to prepare for the problems of a much larger population. This will put

great demands on natural resources and stresses on the environment.

We will have to decide between two very different courses of action. We can either continue to compete for resources in the old way, or

else we can learn to work together for a better future.

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